Design for Production is a strategic design studio that creates brand experiences and products from concept to final manufacture with a focus on purpose, quality, sustainability, and emotional connections.


What we do:

Brand Positioning
Brand Identity
Brand Architecture
Logo Design
Style Guides
Social & Digital Content


Product Design
Concept Development
Industrial Design
CMF Design
Design for Usability
End-to-End Development


Package Design
Primary & Secondary Package Design
Graphic Design
Packaging Systems
Packaging Guidelines
Material & Sustainability Research


Material Research & Strategy
Sustainable Design
Sustainability Audits
Sustainable Sourcing
Sustainable Manufacturing


Strategic Development
Experience Strategy & Design
Product & Service Strategy
Brand Strategy
Insight Synthesis
Customer-Centered Design


Production Design
Supply Chain Development
Process Development
Package Sourcing
Production Artwork
Material & Color Development
Quality Assurance


Ted Owen leads Design for Production in creating engaging brand and product experiences. With extensive experience working with both Fortune 500 companies and start-ups, he is skilled at developing and delivering thoughtful, creative, sustainable solutions that result in significant business impact.

He brings a strong belief in the power of design to transform the status quo, working across multiple disciplines with a holistic approach driven by a deep understanding of how to translate ideas and insights into tangible experiences that emotionally connect a brand with its customers.

Rochelle Kleinberg is a creative leader with deep experience in multiple areas of design coupled with keen business acumen. She brings significant design and strategic expertise to the development of products, services, and strategies that engage, enable and empower people in both the consumer and healthcare arenas.

She believes in an insights-led approach as a foundation for defining key customer needs and business implications to drive innovation – leading to differentiated, value-driven, and sustainable solutions.